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Orange Africa and Middle East Publishes "Seeds of Change" its 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report

صفحة للطباعة
تاريخ النشر : 2024-07-23
Orange Africa and Middle East Publishes

  :Orange Africa and Middle East (OMEA) is firmly rooted in the regions it serves. It is driven by responsible and ethical corporate governance and is constantly innovating. It relies on reliable infrastructure that fosters the development of value-creating technologies and services. These technologies are being deployed with a low-carbon, maximum solar energy concept and are supported through annual investments of more than one billion euros.

The services designed and delivered by our 18,000 employees in 17 countries are the seeds of change that help strengthen social, digital, financial and energy inclusion far beyond our 149 million customers, empowering everyone to use them to confidently shape the future that's right for them.
The millions of opportunities available to young people, women and entrepreneurs through our free inclusion initiatives are also seeds of change. They include digital literacy, training in new jobs to reduce unemployment, and assistance in finding a job, starting or developing a startup or income-generating activity. This is reflected in the more than one million beneficiaries of the Orange Digital Center program, the 600,000 students in digital schools and the thousands of women supported by the Orange Foundation's Digital Centers each year
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كافة الحقول مطلوبة , يتم مراجعة كافة التعليقات قبل نشرها . :
العراب نيوز صحيفة الكترونية جامعة - أقرأ على مسؤوليتك : المقالات و الأراء المنشورة على الموقع تعبر عن رأي كاتبها و لا تعبر بالضرورة عن وجهة نظر العراب نيوز.